JSU Global

Obtaining The I-20
The JSU Global International Student and Scholar Services unit is responsible for processing the Form I-20. Students applying for the F-1 student visa need the I-20 Form.
JSU Global will process an I-20 only for students who have been officially admitted to the university and will begin the I-20 process only AFTER the student has been admitted.
Students with pending applications will be referred to the academic department or to the Office of Undergraduate or Graduate Admissions. Once you have been admitted to Jackson State University, please submit the following documentation to JSU Global in order to receive your Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F1) Student) :
- Copy of Official Admission Letter (Emails not accepted)
- Copy of Biographical Page of Your Passport
- Proof of Financial Support : All supporting financial documents must be in English or accompanied by a notarized English translation showing available funds.
- The financial documents cannot be older than three months at the time of submission to Jackson State University in order to be considered valid.
- Appropriate documents reflecting financial ability include, but are not limited to, the following: Click Criteria for more information.
- Bank Letter, stamped and signed by a bank official, should specify the date, monetary currency, and name of the account holder.
- Jackson State University scholarship or graduate award letter.
- Signed letter from the U.S. Government, Home Government, International Organization, Company, or Employer on government or organizational letterhead specifying dates, amount, monetary currency, and terms of sponsorship.
- Individual sponsor, not a U.S. citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident, or non-immigrant legally present in the U.S., must sign the Notarized Affidavit of Support Form and attach supporting financial documents.
- Individual sponsor, a U.S. citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident, or non-immigrant legally present in the U.S., must submit a completed I-134 Affidavit of Support Form with supporting financial documents. Please Note: Do not submit a copy of your last income tax return.
- Foreign Address and Phone Number (address in your home country)
- Immunization records
- Transfer-In Form JSU Global (only if you are a transfer student from another U.S. university, include your VISA and current I-20 from you current school along with the Transfer-In Form)
- Once you have obtained your I-20 and enter into the United States or transfer to JSU you must come to the office to check in and bring the following items:
- I-20
- Passport
- Visa
- I-94
- Class schedule
- Each semester following enrollment at JSU the F1 student is required to check-in with the office to register their SEVIS record for the current semester of enrollment.
JSU Global cannot issue the I-20 form until all of the above requirements are met.
Please email the above requirements to your designated school official (DSO), mail, or fax the above documents to:
JSU Global
1400 John R. Lynch
P.O. Box 17103
Jackson, MS 39217
Phone: 601.979.1611
Fax: 601.979.9227